
We shall strive to incorporate sustainability into our core operations through internal and external efforts.


Sustainability pledge

We at Enico recognize the potential negative environmental impact our business activities may have, and the positive benefits that we can contribute as an active member of our community, from a position of prominence, through enacting best practices and reducing our negative environmental impacts.


By this sustainability policy Enico recognizes its responsibility towards the protection of the environment, and issues this statement as a commitment from both management and employees to minimize the environmental impact of the company’s operations. This policy will be reviewed annually by the company’s management team, with support from its customers, stakeholders and partners.


With this commitment in mind, we will strive to continuously improve our environmental performance by regularly reviewing our activities and policy, and setting new targets for reducing any possible environmental impacts. We will comply with the requirements of environmental legislation and work towards approved codes of practice in all of our business operations. We will reduce our consumption of resources and improve efficiency.


We will, in all of Enico’s activities, improve efficiency and reduce costs, both to the organization and the environment. We will promote the reduction, reuse and recycling of waste materials to conserve resources and reduce landfill disposal.


We will ensure that all waste is disposed of in a safe and responsible manner, and we will take environmental specifications into account when procuring goods and supplies for our business operations.


We will raise awareness and encourage participation in environmental matters through communication and hosting educational events for our staff, partners, subcontractors and other stakeholders.


Management Team, Enico Oy


You can view our Code of Condact here: ENICO Code of Conduct

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us.

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